Obituary Birthday: Lyrics
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SKIP TO: A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | V | W
A About A Girl | Aero-Zeppelin | All Apologies | Aneurysm
B Baba O'Rily | Beans | Been A Son | Beeswax | Big Cheese | Big Long Now | Blandest | Blew | Breed
C Come As You Are | Curmudgeon
D D-7 | Dive | Downer | Do You Love Me? | Drain You | Dumb
E The End | Endless, Nameless | Even In His Youth
F Floyd The Barber | Frances Farmer Will Have Her Revenge On Seattle
G Gallons Of Rubbing Alcohol Flow Through The Strip
H Hairspray Queen | Heart-Shaped Box | Help Me | Here She Comes Now | High On The Hog
I If You Must | I Hate Myself And I Want To Die | In Bloom | In His Hands | It's Closing Soon
J Junkyard | Jesus Doesn't Want Me For A Sunbeam
L Lake Of Fire | Lithium | Lounge Act | Love Buzz
M The Man Who Sold The World | Marigold | Mexican Seafood | Milk It | Misery Loves Company | Molly's Lips | The Money Will Roll Right In | Mr. Moustache | MV (Moist Vagina)
N Negative Creep | (New Wave) Polly
O Oh Me | Oh, The Guilt | On A Plain | Opinion
P Paper Cuts | Pay To Play | Pen Cap Chew | Pennyroyal Tea | Plateau | Polly
R Radio Friendly Unit Shifter | Rape Me | Return Of The Rat | Run Rabbit Run
S Sappy | Scentless Apprentice | Scoff | School | Serve The Servents | Sifting | Sliver | Smells Like Teen Spirit | Something In The Way | Spank Thru | Stain | Stay Away | Swap Meet
T Talk To Me | Territorial Pissings | tourette's | Turnaround
V Verse Chourus Verse | Very Ape
W Where Did You Sleep Last Night

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